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All the Answers You Seek, In One Place


How long is a reading?

Typical readings are done either in 45, 60, or 90 minute sessions.

Can you do readings over the phone?

Yup! I sure can. Some might wonder how this is possible, but my response is that energy is energy, it's just a matter of how it's transmitted.

What can I expect during my reading?

Every reading is designed to your needs. I'm simply connecting to the energy source, whether that's my guides, your loved ones that have crossed over, Angels, Archangels or the Universal Energy Channel. I'm simply acting as a vessel or a "telephone connection" to the source.

What are the benefits of having a reading with Karen?

Many have told me my readings offer closure, peace of mind, and a different understanding or way of thinking. I seek to offer guidance that will assist you in your own personal growth and awakening to your inner-self. 


Additionally, I specialize in trauma, giving gentle guidance and support in regard to suicides, murder and missing people.

How long do you have to wait after a person has passed to connect with them in Spirit?

 I have connected as quickly as momentarily, to over many years.

Is anyone who has passed “stuck” meaning have not crossed over yet?

It has been my experience to have no-one “stuck”.

Can you connect with people that have re-incarnated?

In my experience, Yes.

What is Your Specialty?

New thought patterns and breaking down old belief systems that no long serve.


I do this thru the following services: 

-Life and Future
-Connecting with Afterlife
-Unlocking Yourself
-Bridging Love and Relationships
-Releasing personal responsibility to Suicide and Death
-House energy reading
-Lectures, Speaking Engagements
-Private Group or Corporate Readings

Are people who have committed suicide or been murdered harder to contact?

It has been my experience, that even with those traumas, no they are not.

Have you ever helped find missing people?


Can I tape/record my reading?

Yes you can.

Where ever you are, but mainly Ontario Canada.


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Contact Me

Are you looking for answers, or perhaps would like to receive a confirmation your life is on the right track? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve come to the right place. I love helping people develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. Contact me today and let the healing process begin.

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